Wednesday, March 2, 2016

It's fun to shock your grandchildren.

On Wednesdays and Thursdays I pick up two of my granddaughters after school, and sometimes, if I have some shopping to do, we'll go to Target and while there I usually buy them some little treat - a Starbucks drink or a bag of chips or something similar.  Today was one of those days. As we were driving home after the trip to Target, I mentioned that I hadn't heard a "thank you" from either of them yet.  I like to encourage good manners. They dutifully said thank you (the oldest with a bit of attitude) to which I responded "You're welcome." The oldest, still in 13 year old mode, said "I didn't hear you say 'You're welcome.'" So I repeated it and she repeated her comment, supposedly still not hearing me. So, calling up memories of my best teacher voice times ten, I shouted as loud as I could "You;re welcome!" They were so shocked they were speechless. But, once they figured out that I wasn't really angry, we all burst into fits of giggles. It's a good thing to shock the younger generation sometimes.

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