Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Who wants to be a billionaire?

Well I do of course. Not enough to do anything about it except to very occasionally play Power Ball, but, you know, if some one wanted to hand me a huge wad of cash or bearer bonds I wouldn't refuse.  But this morning on the news they announced the Forbes list of the world's richest people. They were all umpty-billionaires of course.  I was nastily amused to learn that Trump wasn't anywhere near the top. But I got to thinking, when I was young a million dollars seemed like the ultimate fortune,  If you were a millionaire that was something. Now, mind you, I still think it would be nice to have a million dollars.  While that doesn't seem any more likely really than a billion dollars dropping out of the sky at my feet I do believe that some of my friends are worth a million in cash and other assets. I'm not going to go around asking them of course but it is easily within the realm of possibility.
I was interested to see that one of the top five richest men on the list was a Spanish man who appears to be about my age. Maybe I can meet him when I go to Spain next week and he'll fall madly in love with me and shower me with riches.  Hey, the odds are as good as winning Power Ball and a girl can dream, right?

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