Saturday, March 5, 2016

To wine or not to wine?

That is the question.  Some months ago Doctor Oz said that one glass of red wine every evening can have real health benefits.  It sounded way more fun than exercise to me so I went right out and bought a bottle.  I have continued this pleasant habit pretty regularly ever since but I ran out of wine a couple of weeks ago and didn't get a chance to buy more. No big deal except that I heard another report on a TV news health segment that drinking just one glass of wine can have negative health effects.  I don't remember the details but it didn't sound good. I began ti panic. Did this mean I shouldn't drink wine any more?  Then the report went on to say that, while one glass of wine could be harmful, if a person drank one glass an evening for six evenings that is good for you. No one said what to do on the seventh night. Maybe two glasses?

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