Thursday, March 3, 2016

something to watch for along the river

I saw an interview on TV this evening that has made me curious.  An enthusiastic young lady was explaining to a local news reporter that a citizens' group is working to raise money for three new projects to be built along the river. Since I can watch a stretch of river from my balcony, I'm always interested in what might be happening in or on it.
The first idea is a "Blue Map" on the river to help kayakers (and presumably canoers and other boaters) know where they are on the river. This sounds reasonable to me. I'm sure boaters I saw will really appreciate it.  I know when I paddled a canoe seeing a map that told me I was almost at the end would have been really appreciated.
The second plan is to have low income people construct beach ball sculptures along the river banks. Really??? Beach ball sculptures? I'm having a little (ok a lot of) trouble envisioning this.  Maybe I misunderstood the kind of sculptures they are planning. I heard a commercial on TV the other day asking people if they are ready to play a new 'horse'. I thought they were talking about betting on horse races but when I listened more carefully I realized the word was 'course' and they were talking about playing golf.  I can't think of anything that rhymes with beach ball though. But why can only low income people build these sculptures?  It might be fun. I'll wait and see on this one.
The third idea is an "Immersive Cinema" experience. Evidently you attend a movie outdoors, not knowing before hand what movie you will be seeing and, during the movie, characters/actors from the movie will be roaming through the audience so you sort of become part of the story. This could be fun I guess but I'm just getting used to the theater with the big reclining seats.  I think that's more my speed.
I don't think I'll be sending a donation to this group anytime soon but I will watch with interest to see what develops.

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