Wednesday, June 21, 2017

I like BBC productions

One of the joys of NetFlix is that I can watch British series (serieses?). I'm particularly fond of one called "Midsommer Murders" Each episode runs about one hour and 40 minutes and they are always good twisty mysteries. Last year, when I was in Scotland, I happened to catch an episode on a TV station there - with commercials. It seemed very strange to be watching a show with which I was very familiar interspersed with commercials for products and providers I had never heard of. Onn of the reasons I enjoy British shows, dramas and comedies, is that the actors look like ordinary people. The heroines aren't all super glamerous with 'Barbie' figures. As I'm writing this I realize that on American series it really seems to be only the women who have to be super glamerous. I know I'm generalizing here but it seems to be true. The only recent US show I can think of with fairly ordinary looking people is the drama :This is Us". Maybe that;s why that show also appeals to me.

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