Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Think before you speak.

Believe me I do not mean to make light of the shooting that happened at the ball park in Alexandria,
Virginia this morning. It was frightening to hear about and I'm sure it was traumatic for everyone involved. However, I don't think the Govenor of Virginia did his cause any good during an interview with the press after the shooting this morning. Mind you he wasn;t any where near the incident when it happened but he used his press conference to say that we must have better gun control laws. In trying to make his case he said "We lose 93 million American individauls a day to gun violence." Really? According to Google the 2016 census population of the US is 324,118,787. I did the math out of curiosity and discovered that at the rate of 93 million a day, the entire population of the US will be gone in 3.5 days.  Luckily a reporter challenged him on that number and the govenor said he meant to say 93 lives a day. Well, I'm glad we got that cleared up. A wise person once told me that "50 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot." (Think about it.) I think this was a pretty good example.

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