Monday, June 26, 2017

Is this how to keep a secret?

Heard on "Inside Edition" this evening - In case of  a nuclear disaster, the US has top secret bunkers located deep under ground in several locations around the country. The report explained who would get to hide out in these bunkers and showed scenes of what some areas look like inside.  Ok, I found that mildly interesting. Since it doesn't appear that I'm on the list of very important people to be saved I'm not too concerned. What did confuse, amuse me was that, during this report the reporter went on to name all of the locations of these bunkers. So what I want to know is, if these are TOP SECRET bunkers how come everyone seems to know where they are and even what they look like inside? Perhaps top secret means something different than it used to? I know that pot, gay and text don't mean waht they did in my youth but secret????

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