Monday, June 5, 2017

Wonder Woman

I saw the new Wonder Woman movie today. I thought it was a great adventure story, lots of action, an interesting back story, and a woman hero who saves the world.  What's not to like?  But I understand that some people gave the movie bad reviews because Wonder Woman isn't American enough in this version. Really people?  It's a fiction about a mythical Amazon from a mysterious island who gets involved in WWI in France. How American can she be? The male lead is an American pilot/spy working for the English. I suspect that the critics are upset because she wasn't wearing a red, white and blue costumes with those high heeled red boots. By the way, did you know that in the classic TV series sometimes Wonder Woman is wearing high heeled red boots and in some scenes she's wearing flat boots. My husband, who was a real fan of that show was the first to point it out to me. She could have used some "Kinky Boots" but that's a different story.

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