Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Taking the plunge

Well, now I've done it. Three friends and I have been planning to go with a tour group to the British Isles in September. Due to recent terrorist activity in London I admit to having second thoughts about the trip, but we talked it over and decided, not that we're super brave or anything, that we will go anyway. As my son pointed out I'm more likely to be injured or killed in a traffic accident here at home thatn to be involved in a terrorist attack. I'm not sure if I find that rationale very reassuring. It reminds me a little of my dear mother-in-law's attitude toward death. "When it's your time, it's your time," she would say, "and there's nothing you can do about it."  This sentiment was always followed by this advice "Be sure to lock your doors and drive carefully." Well, anyway, I mailed in my final payment today so London, here I come.

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