Monday, June 19, 2017

Scary times..

My oldest grandchlld turned 16 today. Until now he really hasn't shown much interest in driving but suddenly I hear that his mom, my daughter, has taken him out to practice driving. A week ago he told me that his dad has also taken him out dirving. My daughter tells me she has a video to show me. That's something I'm glad I didn't have to contend with when I was a beginning driver.  I remember very clearly being taken out for driving practice by each of my parents. They were both very good drivers themselves but their teaching techniques were very different. When I was driving with my mom she talked me through the whole process, told me every move to make.  My dad, on the other hand simply glowered silently, never uttering a word until I did something wrong. Things were not helped by the fact that our car had 3-speed standard transmission and no power steering. The truth is I never did get my license until, after numerous training sessions with friends and driving instructors, throughout my college years, I bought my first car the summer before I started my first teaching job and knew I absolutely had to be able to drive.  My first car was a used Corvair ( you remember, the Unsafe at Any Speed car). It's true what they said, it did roll over very easily. But I will not fret.  I'm sure my grandson will be a much better beginning driver than I was. I will not fret, but I will pray a lot.

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