Friday, April 1, 2022

a very strange musical

 I think it was allergies.  I took Claritin and that has helped a lot.  I'm improved enough that I was able to go with a friend to a very funny show at the Civic this evening.  It was a musical called Forbidden Broadway and consisted of many familiar musical tunes with brand new lyrics.  Two of my favorites were "Ambition" to the tune of the song "Tradition" from Fiddler on the Roof and "Tomorrow" from Annie, sung by a 30 year old cigarette smoking Annie bemoaning the fact that she hadn't had a starring role or any role since she was ten years old.  She was still wearing her Annie dress.  All in all a very funny show.  There was one small problem, but not with the show.  The programs were available as a paper copy or you could scan the QR code (I think that's what those little squares are called) and read it on your phone.  Not thinking of the consequences I let the lady beside me scan the code from my program.  Then she kept her phone on during the whole first act.  My eyes are pretty light sensitive and it was really bothering me.  So, at intermission, I very nicely asked her to turn off her phone or turn it at a different angle.  I figured the worse she could do is say no, but she was very nice and turned off her phone.  In return, I gave her my paper program which I should have done in the first place.  But I was able to enjoy the second act without that glare in my eyes.  Since theaters always ask the audience to turn off their phones they might want to reconsider encouraging people to download the programs on their phones.  Just a thought.  

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