Thursday, April 14, 2022

Look up.

 Today is Look Up at the Sky Day.  Doesn't that sound like a wonderful day?  I actually look up at the sky every day, or technically every night.  Unless it's subzero out, I go out on my balcony before I go to bed to look at the sky, and the river and the city lights.  I find it frustrating but also very calming.  Frustrating because the ambient light from all those city lights makes it almost impossible to see stars.  On a really good clear night I'm lucky if I see three stars.  On the other hand I see some really fascinating cloud shows after dark; big puffy white clouds scudding across the sky.  And interesting colors.  Some nights the clouds look white against an indigo backdrop.  Other nights the whole cloud filled sky looks lavender.  It's all so beautiful, so celebrate Look Up at the Sky Day (or night) with me.  

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