Sunday, April 10, 2022

Palm Sunday

 Well it was a lovely Palm Sunday, with palms waving and children's choir singing,   And all helped along by brilliant sunshine.  With snow and rain yesterday I really appreciated the sunshine.  A rerun for Easter would be much appreciated.  In addition to Palm Sunday today is also Siblings Day, a day to appreciated all your brothers and sisters.  Since my brother lives over 1600 miles away (1900 driving miles) we had to make do with texts and virtual hugs.  I wonder if today is Siblings Day because children don't typically fight too much over palms, while fights over who found the eggs in the Easter egg hunt or who got the most candy can get pretty fierce.  Of course the worst cause of Easter fights is "Who bit the ears off my chocolate bunny?" I did see a couple of five year olds dueling with their palm branches, as if they were light sabers, while we were gathering in the courtyard, but they didn't seem too serious.  Palms and peace ruled the day.

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