Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Turn it down!

 I'm really excited about the new bridge that's going to be built across the St. Mary's River, and I am surprised and pleased at how quickly they have gotten started on this project.  I've even adjusted to the limited access in and out of our parking lot.  From the pictures I've seen, it's really going to be a beautiful and safe bridge.  What wasn't mentioned in the news reports I saw was the noise involved in bridge construction.  Actually the noise seems to be part of the old bridge destruction part of the project.  I can testify that noise is amplified when traveling over water.  This morning, for example, I was rudely awakened at 7:00am by ten burly policemen trying to beat down my door, or my neighbor's door, it was hard to tell.  At least that's what it sounded like.  I finally woke up enough to realize that the noise was coming from somewhere outside.  And it went on and on, in various iterations all morning long.  I had an appointment at 11am and really didn't mind leaving at all.  As I drove across what's left of the bridge (they have promised there will always be one lane open to traffic) I could see to my left great gaps where much of the concrete railing on that side was gone.  It must have been jackhammers I heard this morning.  I wonder what tomorrow will bring? 

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