Friday, April 8, 2022

I'm confused...

 Today is Step Into the Spotlight Day and also Poet in a Cupcake Day.  Now I understand about stepping into the spotlight.  If you get yelled at often enough you remember that you need to be in your spotlight so the audience can see you.  But the idea of poets in cupcakes forced me to do some serious research.  Or actually just a little search on Google.  It turns out that April is National Poetry Month and the first full week in April is Take Your Poet to School Week.  Poet in a Cupcake Day is always the Friday of Take Your Poet to School Week.  The website I found suggested theme cupcakes such as a black frosted Raven cupcake for Edgar Allen Poe.  I think a cupcake shaped hand puppet that spouts poetry might be fun.  In the meantime, I happen to have a chocolate cupcake in my refrigerator.  Perhaps I should eat it for inspiration.  Yes, I think that's a good idea.  

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