Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Giving something new (old?) a try

I enjoyed two new or almost new experiences today. A friend and I went to the Venice restaurant for supper this evening because it had received a good review in Sunday's paper.  I think I have only been there once before and that was many years ago, but I will be back.  I had the best manicotti I've had in years.  Second almost new experience, I was flipping through the channels later this evening and got hooked watching "To Tell the Truth". I remember this TV show from many years ago.  I think Gary Moore was the host. Does anyone but me remember him?  I'm happy to report that this new version of an old theme is still very entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. Rosie & I both remember Gary Moore on To Tell The Truth. We like the old TV that isn't so edgy and "in your face".
