Sunday, November 24, 2019

a busy, fun weekend

I spent Friday night at my daughter's house so I could attend a fashion show.  Carroll High School not only has a great band but also pretty impressive clothing design classes and culinary classes.  Friday evening these classes presented yummy food and beautiful clothes at their end of semester show.  I watched with pride as my granddaughter walked the runway, not as a model but as the designer and creator of the outfit her model was wearing.  The theme was Fort Wayne places and beautiful outfits symbolized the three rivers, the courthouse (lady liberty) the Baker Street station and many more.  My granddaughter's theme was the roller derby girls and she created a cute outfit with a fitted top and swirly bright red skirt.  Stripy socks and hightops completed the outfit.  I guess they wouldn't let her model roller skate across the stage.  Probably a wise decision.  After the fashion show, the artists and their creations stood around the room by the culinary tables answering questions and receiving compliments on their outfits.  We, the audience, roamed from station to station, commenting on the clothing and enjoying the goodies.  The food ranged from lamb kabobs and beef stew to ice cream and other yummy desserts.  All in all a fun evening.  
The next day I brought my granddaughter home with me, picked up her brother from his new apartment (which I am pleased to say is really quite decent) and cooked an old favorite supper for them - salmon patties and mac 'n' cheese.  Then we went to the Philharmonic's Violins of Hope program (really excellent).  My grandson had particularly wanted to see this and his sister was happy to come along. They stayed over last night and this morning I fixed them scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and tea.  Then off to church and, after the service, the annual Korean Thanksgiving dinner put on by our Korean language congregation in honor of US Korean War Veterans.  Everyone in the church plus veterans from our area are invited and the food is amazing.  All the traditional Thanksgiving fare - turkey, ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, etc. and several excellent Korean dishes like pulgogi, kimchi, pot stcickers, rice, noodles and much more.  Then of course there were the desserts, carried in by the non-Korean members of the church.  Needless to say my grandchildren were quite pleased with this feast.  If it sounds like all I did was eat all weekend, you would be right.  I consider it training for the big holidays coming up.  It's always good to be in shape.

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