Monday, November 4, 2019

hope springs eternal

I went down to the laundry room this morning (my usual Monday morning activity) and, after waiting a looooong time for the elevator, was excited to see a bright yellow barricade with OTIS printed on it blocking off one of the elevators down on the lower level.  We received a notice from management two months ago that our elevators, which are quite elderly, will be replaced.  So, when I saw the barricade this morning I got excited.  I understand that they will replace one elevator at a time so I was excited to think that they are finally getting started.  Well, not quite.  According to a chatty lady in an Otis uniform this is just the preliminary step.  They have to check out all the elevators to make sure they meet with state requirements. Then they can start replacing them.  Ok, this left me shaking my head a little, but at least we are beginning to get a glimmer of action.  When my church recently replaced an elevator with a greatly updated model we not only gained efficiency but also a lovely lady's voice (do you remember department store elevator voices?) which announces which floor we are on.  It might be fun to have a voice on the apartment elevators.  "Tenth floor - apartments 1000 - 1005 to the left, 1006 - 1010 to the rigth.  Watch your step."  Maybe??

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