Sunday, November 10, 2019

more great music

This afternoon I had the pleasure of seeing the St. Francis University production of "The Sound of Music."  This is the second USF production I've seen and they really do a very good job.  I like the fact that they use actors from the community as well as the school so you don't have college students with powdered hair playing old people or 'children' who look about 20. I was impressed by the quality of the singing and the acting.  The seven children (the youngest looked about 4) did a great job with their musical numbers.  I had seen the theater version before so I wasn't surprised at how it differed from the movie, same basic story line but not as lavish. Most of the same music (they did have a live orchestra in the pit) as the movie but the play actually had two musical numbers that weren't in the movie.  I must also give credit to their art department for the excellent sets and smooth scene changes. 
This evening (while in a theatrical mood) I auditioned for a part in the Shakespeare play "A Winters Tale" which will be produced at First Presbyterian Theater in April.  I don't know if I'll get a role or not (there aren't that many old lady parts) but it was fun to try.

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