Saturday, November 16, 2019

I alomost panicked

I went to a women's retreat this weekend; very nice. lots of fun actually, but when I got home this afternoon and checked my mail I thought I had slipped through a time warp.  There were two envelopes in my mail that looked suspiciously like Christmas cards. Noooo!!! I haven't even celebrated Thanksgiving yet.  Which reminds me I saw a cute cartoon redently.  A very serious looking turkey is speaking to the Grinch. He says "We want you to steal Thanksgiving."  But I digress.  When I opened the suspect envelopes, with trembling fingers, I discovered that envelope number one held a Thanksgiving letter with a friend's new address and envelope number two was a note and magazine article from a friend who lives in Florida.  The article was about a group of ladies wo live in The Villages (where my friend lives) and paint small rocks with cheery little sayings or religious symbols, then leave them in semi-hidden places for people to find.  She suggested that I share the article with some friends and maybe start a rock painting group of my own.  She was much too busy to do this but thought I might enjoy it.  I'm in a group now that crochets, knits or, in my case weaves, scarves and hats for homeless people.  We're up to 67 sets now, plan to hand them out in January.  I'm just guessing here but I think they might be just a little more pratical than painted rocks, at least during a Fort Wayne winter.  But I will send a nice thank you email to my Florida friend and say maybe someday I'll ger around to it.  I used to have a round tuit but that's another story..  

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