Saturday, November 9, 2019

Doggy Day Care

Today I was called into service to puppy sit for my three granddogs, Stella, Wallace and Perry.  As it happens, my granddaughter's marching band (well the band she's in) made it to state and they are marching in competition tonight.  Leaving the dogs from 2pm on seemed like a long stretch, since the band doesn't march until 9:30, judging begins at 10:30 and they don't expect to get back from Indy til about 3am.  So I spent the afternoon with the dogs to keep them company, fed them their suppers, let them outside for the necessary and tucked them into bed in their kennels.  All of this and I managed to get home before dark.  I don't drive after dark for the good of all drivers and pedestrians.  I'm feeling very virtuous for helping out with the dogs but, truth be told, it's the easiest job ever.  They pretty much crawled up on their preferred spots on the couches and snoozed all afternoon.  I spent the afternoon reading Shakespeare to them practicing for an audition tomorrow evening).  Just as with some people I know, Shakespeare seemed to put them right to sleep.

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