Thursday, November 21, 2019

Family Stories Months

Well, I was fresh out of ideas again so I went looking for special days on Google.  It's amaing how many there are.  Every month has at least one for every day it seems.  But today I discovered one that really makes sense.  And it's not even a day, it's a whole special month.  November is "Family Stories Month."  Now isn't that perfect?  What better time is there for reminiscing than Thanksgiving?  Families sitting around the overloaded table remembering relatives not here any more and silly events from our childhood.  If you don't remember things you can make them up. Your kids won't know the difference.  I'm always amazed at how differently my brothers and I remember things that supposedly happened to us at the same time.  I'm thinking that if I can keep my family focused on the 'good old days' as we sit around the Thanksgiving table next week we can avoid politics and religion.  A result devoutly to be hoped for.  

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