Monday, March 23, 2015

and the battle goes on..

Have you noticed that, when the first snowfall of autumn is a pretty snow that covers the grass and sugar coats the evergreens, it's exciting and beautiful, but, when the same exact kind of snow fall occurs on what is supposed to be the third day of spring, it's just not?

I was reminded today, as the windy, cold, spring snow came down, of a cartoon I saw when I was about 11 years old.  I was probably too old for cartoons but we turned them on for my baby brother.  (That's my story and I'm sticking to it.) The cartoon was an old black and white one, in the "Steamboat Willy" style, set to some classical music which I remember as being very dramatic.  It depicted the battle between winter and spring.  Blustery winds blowing warm and cold, little gnomes under ground trying to push plants and flowers up through frozen ground, and on and on the battle raged.  I'm happy to report that spring won in the cartoon.  Hold that thought.

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