Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Answers I don't want to hear

I retired five weeks ago and so far I'm enjoying it very much, but two days ago I heard something that shook me up.  A 100 year old man was interviewed and asked the inevitable question "To what do you attribute your long life?" His answer "Never retire." He's a car salesman who still works six days a week selling cars.  No way I'm going back to work, especially selling anything. So much for that route to a long life.
Yesterday, a sweet little 104 year old lady was interviewed and asked the same question.  Her answer? She explained that she drinks at least three Dr. Peppers a day, and has done so for the past 30+ years.  Presumably she started drinking Dr. Pepper when she was 70 something.
Well, I am 70 now, but I don;t drink soda, and believe me if I do decide to drink 3 of any drink every day it won't be Dr. Pepper.  There goes another option.
I'd like to live to be 100 so I can come up with a really ridiculous answer when I'm asked "the question."

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