Monday, March 30, 2015

Sleep Overs and Laser Tag

It's spring break and two of my granddaughters and their other grandma are having a sleep over with me tonight.  We've eaten popcorn, played games (real games around a real table), watched TV and generally done everything we should to make it a real party, and now we are all in bed and it's not even midnight.  Now that's my kind of sleep over.
There are two things the girls want to do during this holiday: 1. play laser tag, and 2. go to Skyzone to jump on the trampolines.  We did the laser tag today and it went very well from my perspective.  We bought the tickets, the girls were whisked off for two half hour sessions of tag, then played arcade games for another hour while we two grandmas sat at an out-of-the-way table and had a great visit.
Tomorrow we're heading to Skyzone and I'm looking forward to another fun day of watching other people exert themselves.  

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