Friday, March 13, 2015

mixed reviews

I've just finished three days of entertainment overload.  On Wednesday evening three friends and I had dinner at a lovely restaurant in Columbus, Ohio, then attended a "Maroon 5" concert at the Nationwide Arena. The dinner was quite good bur also, in my opinion, quite overpriced and I don't mind splurging every once in a while. The fact that their computer system broke down and they had to calculate our bills "by hand" taking over half an hour for the process (evidently calculating the tax was a real challenge) left me less that whelmed.  On to the concert. Adam Levine has a good voice and, with his group, put on a good show.  Sadly, our seats turned out to be in a really bad place, off to one side of the stage.  We did get a fairly close look at the performers as the came on and off stage and we could hear just fine (I'm pretty sure people six blocks away could hear it) but we didn't really see much of the show.
Thursday, two friends and I saw the movie "The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" and it was very good, the high point of the week for me, but not quite as good as the first movie. A not unusual problem with sequels I think.
This evening one friend and I attended a local production of the Shakespeare play "The Merchant of Venice".  It was a good production, well acted, with several very moving moments but I didn't appreciate the re-written ending as much as I probably should have.  I like my Shakespeare in the original. If it's insensitive or politically incorrect let me figure that out for myself.

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