Tuesday, April 7, 2015

replacement windows

I had a rep come today and give me an estimate on replacement windows.  I do have 5 windows that seriously need to be replaced and a total, the way he counted them, of 24 windows.  Yikes!  His first estimate, for total replacement, was half of what we paid for the house originally and only slightly more than a new SUV I was pricing recently. I'm not buying either one, but at least I have an idea now of what I will need to spend on a few windows.  I will be getting a few more estimates. I did have one bit of fun when he started in on his pitch for energy efficiency and how much I would save on my gas and electric bills.  When I explained that my average electric bill is $45 and my gas budget is $63 he decide to skip that part of his pitch.  Saved us a bunch of time.

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