Friday, April 3, 2015

Will I find fame and fortune?

A friend and I had our first interview today for a possible "part" in a TV ad.  The qualification to try out was that we had to be between 70 and 100 years old. No one waiting with us looked 100 but a couple looked like they might be in their 80's. The interviewer recorded us answering questions about lots of different subjects.  Then they took our pictures and had us say our name and age.  We will hear from them within three weeks if we are to come back for the second step in the process.  We did check out the company and they are legitimate, and, even better, if we get a part, they pay us.  This isn't a scam where we had to pay anything up front.
When we met with the woman who did out interview she came out with the compliment I'm always most suspicious of "Wow, you (in this case 'you two') sure don't look 70." My immediate unspoken reaction is "How old do you think I look? 75, 80? gasp 90?" I never ask that question out loud because I really don't want to hear the answer.  I prefer to live with my illusions.

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