Friday, April 24, 2015

Something to think about...

I attended Tapestry today, it's an event for women which includes breakfast, lunch, break-out sessions and plenty of opportunities to spend money at vendors' booths.  It's all to raise funds for college scholarships, which helps you feel virtuous as you spend.  The special guest keynote speaker today was Jane Pauley and her message was that it's never too late to reinvent yourself.  What I found interesting was that she didn't stress actively going out and looking for changes but rather staying alert for a sign of something you are meant to do.  She illustrated this with a story about a man who had spent his working life as a well driller, He had wanted to be a doctor and save lives but couldn't afford college.  When he retired, he sold his equipment to a church group who wanted to use it to drill water wells in Africa.  Of course they didn't know how to use the equipment so they asked him to go to Africa to help get them started.  He said yes, at first reluctantly.  To date he has drilled over 1000 wells, and saved many thousands of lives by providing fresh water to communities in several African countries.   It was a good story and her talk really echoed feelings I've had since I retired.  I think, if I'm patient, something will come along to capture my interest.

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