Saturday, April 25, 2015

This will make you laugh, or cry.

I have a couple of windows that need to be replaced so I've started the process of getting some bids.  I  really only need 3 or 4 replaced but the first gentleman insisted on also giving me a bid on replacing all of the windows - 24 by his count.  Turns out that casement windows - the kind I have all over my house - are the most expensive to replace (lucky me) and each section that opens counts as one window.  His bid - $39,000 dollars!  This is more than I paid for my second house, and I'm not buying the idea that I will "make it back" in energy savings.  By my calculation I would need to live in this house until I'm 193 to get that payback. I have another company rep coming out this Tuesday.  I'm very curious to see how this one comes out.

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