Sunday, December 18, 2016

a music and memory filled day

We sang some good Christmas hymns at church this morning. Then three friends and I attended the Heartland Sings' Spirit of Christmas concert in the rotunda of Fort Wayne's beautiful historic court house. The acoustics were marvelous and the show was excellent. The choir finished with "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" and that brought back my memory of the year my mother was teaching kindergarten is a spare room in the high school where I was a junior. She brought her class from room to room and they sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" to each high school class. They were so cute and I was so embarrassed. It didn't take much to embarrass me in those days.This evening I decided to watch a few minutes of the classic movie "The Sound of Music" on TV. Needless to say, it is now three hours later and I just finished watching the whole thing. This movie always brings back sweet memories. When the movie first came out I took my little brother to see it at a movie theater in downtown Fort Wayne (alas, no longer there). He was 11 and I was 21. When we got to the theater the afternoon show was sold out, standing room only, so we bought tickets for the next showing, and spent a couple of fun hours downtown shopping and window shopping. Back then there were big stores downtown. We saw the movie, finally, and loved it and I still do, even though, when I was in Austria a few years ago I learned the "true story," not quite as exciting as the movie but still pretty exciting.

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