Wednesday, December 21, 2016

not an intentional Scrooge

I had an interesting encounter today.  As I was loading my groceries into the back of my car a young lady pulled up behind me, rolled down her window, and proceeded to tell me that she had a four year old child in the car with her, had to get to Lafayette (or somewhere) and desperately needed money for gas. I told her that I didn't have any cash. She pleaded some more and I told her that I was on my way to the Kroger gas station and if she would follow me over there I would use my credit card to put some gas in her car. She then said that she didn't think she had enough gas left to get to the station (this while her car was running?).  OK, I may be a little slow, but by this time I was beginning to suspect a scam. I pointed to the gas station, just across the drive, told her again that I would be there in a few minutes to get gas myself and, if she would meet me there I would put some gas in her car. Well, I went to the gas station after I finished stowing my groceries, pumped my gas, didn't see any sign of the lady who claimed to be in such extreme need, and drove on home, a little wiser and happily no poorer. By the way, I did have some cash with me but I'm not totally stupid.

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