Saturday, December 17, 2016

rough draft

Each year I write a 'poem' about my year just past. I don't claim to be a great poet, or any kind of poet really, I just decided, over 20 years ago now, that I could tell the basics in a few quick lines and if anyone wants more detail, they are close enough friends to call me. So here's my rough draft for this year. I expect to add and change, but it's a start. I really need to get this mailed by Monday or it will become a New Year poem.

Apartment living agrees with me.
I've put down roots and put up my tree.
And I feel so free!
"But where do you keep all your stuff?"
a friend asked me recently.
This is it, this is all.
A two bedroom apartment still hold plenty of stuff.
But I feel so free.
When I travel I just lock the door and leave.
They even take care of my mail.
This year Scotland, England, Portugal and Spain
Favorite city Barcelona
favorite people, the Scots.
About that swiming pool.
I did swim and discovered
that I have reached invisibility
no one looks at or cares about me in an bathing suit.
no one shreiked or fainted and so I swam on.
And I feel so free

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