Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Whatever happened to Cabbage Patch dolls?

I heard on TV yesterday that this year's hot, must have toy is something called a "Hatchamal". Not sure of the spelling but that's what it sounded like. Evidently it's a toy stuffed animal that 'hatches' out of an egg. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Over the years we've seen Tickle Me Elmo, Pet Rocks, and my all time favorite, the Cabbage Patch doll. I have a friend who was the manager of the toy department at JC Penny's the year they were most popular. He tells me it was a mad house. He still shudders at the memory. No wonder he gave up retail sales for the peaceful joys of being a Realtor. I bought a Cabbage Patch doll for my daughter that year but, thanks to an ingenious friend, I didn't need to stand n any lines. She persuaded her brother, who was living in Germany at the time, to ship home a selection of CP dolls for her and her friends. Evidently they weren't such a big deal in Germany.  Of course my daughter's doll came with adoption papers printed in German, but hey, lots of people adopt foreign babies, right?

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