Friday, December 30, 2016

Happy New Year, almost

I am going to watch the first ever New Years Eve "ball drop" in Fort Wayne tomorrow evening. It's happening less than three blocks from my place so I thought I would just walk over and have a look. I have managed to talk one intrepid friend into doing this with me. Hopefully it won't be too cold. They did say, on TV today, that there will be a warming tent but I can't imagine everyone will fit in there. We are not planning to head over when the festivities start at 7:15pm (or 8:00pm). I've heard and seen different times posted on different sites. We will take the much more sensible (senior citizen?) approach of having a late supper at Hall's and then heading over about 10 or so.  I will report on New Year's Day on how it all went (after my fingers thaw).

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