Monday, March 2, 2015

Leave a comment, please.

Every evening, almost, I write a little blog and every day I check to see how many people have read it. The numbers vary but there's always someone reading it, but no one ever leaves a comment.  I don't want to believe that's I'm not writing anything worth commenting on, so I've decide that it must be that people just don't know the process for leaving a comment.  so hear goes -  click on the title, scroll down on the page that opens, and you'll find a box where you can leave a comment.  Please.
On another subject - I heard on TV this morning that people who sleep too long (more than six or seven hours) are more likely to have strokes.  Wouldn't you just know, I'm finally retired, able to sleep in in the mornings and now I hear this.  I guess I'll just have to stay up really late at night.  Jay Leno, where are you when I need you?

1 comment:

  1. Let us know if you find something on TV after the 11 pm news that is good enough to keep you awake!
