Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pi or Pie?

I got excited this morning when I heard that today was International Pie Day. Decisions, decisions. Should I bake a pie or buy a pie or just go have a piece of pie at a restaurant? Then I paid closer attention. It's Pi Day, not pie day.  Also very interesting but not nearly as tasty.  I celebrated my birthday last year on 12-13-14 which I thought was a really fine and unique date.  But evidently Pi Day excites more people - especially those of a mathematical bent. Now Pi Day does come around every year on 3-14 but this year (one in a hundred) is 3-14-15 which carries the number out two more places.  Carrying it a little further, if you were paying attention at 9:26 am or pm, you could carry the number out three more places.  Written properly pi = on and on.  What exactly is pi you ask?  It's the circumference of a circle divided by the diameter (I think). Maybe it's the radius but I'm pretty sure it's the diameter. I've actually gone through days and weeks and years without thinking about pi so I probably won't bother to look it up, but you can if you want to.

1 comment:

  1. All those digits round to 3.1416 (That's what I always used!) so this Pi day is merely a prelude to the real Pi day next year - 3.14.16
