Wednesday, April 22, 2015

first meeting with my REALTOR

I met with my REALTOR yesterday (she also happens to be a personal friend) to get some preliminary ideas about getting my house ready to sell.  Talk about a wake up call.  I know there's a lot of stuff that has to be moved out of my basement but I thought the main level looked pretty good what with the newer kitchen and remodeled bath. After a few comments like "You will probably need to paint the ceilings in most rooms and the walls in the dining room, living room and family room, and of course replace most of the carpet." Yikes, this was on top of a long list of necessary repairs I had already made.  I obviously have my work cut out for me, but I had to laugh at my first, internal, emotional response, "Not the living room carpet! That's the 'new' carpet.  We had it installed just before our daughter's first wedding which was only...and then I realized... it's been 17 years since that carpet was put in.  She could be right!
We went on to discuss possible sales strategies - as is vs with repairs - sale for commercial use - moving out and marketing it vacant.  She will do the research and get back to me in a week or so.

1 comment:

  1. What a piker, in one of our bedrooms we have some carpet that was in the living room when we bought the house - 35 years ago!
