Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Do I sound like a lush?

I scheduled a bone density scan today.  This is one of my favorite physical tests.  You just lie on a flat surface while a machine hums above you, no pain, no discomfort.  As opposed to, say, a colonoscopy or endoscopy (same thing I think). Prep for that test, which I have coming up in October, is not fun. But back to the bone scan. In preparation for the test this Thursday I needed to answer several questions. I'm happy to say I knew all the answers but I was brought up short when the lady on the phone asked me if I smoke or drink alcohol. My first impulse was to say no, which is still the correct answer for the smoking question, but then I remembered that I have been drinking a glass of red wine every evening after supper. Dr. Oz says it's good for me.  So I told the lady "Yes, I drink one glass of wine each evening." To which she responded "Uh huh." Such a skeptic. It's a good thing she didn't ask about my chocolate covered almonds habit.

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