Sunday, September 6, 2015

great idea but it confuses the customers

I went to a movie today with some friends.  We went to Coldwater Crossing and saw "A Walk in the Woods", an excellent movie with some amazing views of the Appalachian Trail. It brought back memories of camping in the Smoky Mountains.  I think the aging heroes made it even more appealing to people of my age.  Lots of good humor, however we weren't laughing so much at the seating arrangement.  This is the second time I have attend a movie at Coldwater Crossing since they installed their super new plushy reclining seats, really very comfortable. The seats are wonderful but the requirement to select your seat from a chart when you buy your tickets slows down the ticket buying process. The next problem is the way the seats are marked.  The seat numbers are posted on the ends of the armrests which caused a certain amount of confusion - I was assigned seat 8 in row I - is this the seat to the right or left of the number 8? Add that to the fact that the letters identifying the rows are small and hard to see, especially if you come in after the previews start and the fact that some of the seats were evidently sold twice, made for an entertaining show for those of us already seated as people searched for their seats. The movie was great, the seats are really comfortable, but I don't see the necessity for assigned seats.  Ah well, nobody asked me.

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