Wednesday, October 12, 2016

25,000 meals bagged

Tonight, for the third time in three years, 120 people - teens and adults - from our church gathered together in a "Kids Against Hunger" evening of measuring, mixing, bagging and boxing 5000 bags of dried ingredients. Each bag makes five meals of nutritious soup. Our particular batch will be going to the Philippines. We did it in teams of 11 at a long table in an assembly line fashion and managed to finish the job in under two hours. The most fun for me was the fact that all of my grandkids were on my team along with other family members and friends. Lots of teasing and silly banter made the process fun and we still finished our quota of 540 bags in very good time and hey, wow, we just got some coverage on 21 Alive News. A good night's work all around.  Happily there are no existing pictures of me in my ultra fashionable red hair net.

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