Tuesday, October 11, 2016

a technology triumph???

I'm always a little amazed when I do something on my computer that I haven't done before or solve a problem I haven't faced before. This evening for instance, I needed to print out some postcards. The lady I work with had emailed the layout to me and all I needed to do was print them out, both sides, then cut and address them so I can mail them tomorrow.  We're only talking nine postcards here, three sheets of postcard stock. My little old printer behaved like a champ, Printing out color copies that looked really good except for one small detail. The first practice sheet I printed out had some bold black lines running down the center and across the bottom. Not a good look if you're trying to attract someone's attention with a post card. Now here's where the mystery comes in. After that first sheet, I sat at my computer, clicking keys, pulling up the postcard image in three or four different ways and suddenly, hey, presto, I could print out a nice clean copy. So while I'm patting myself on the back for getting the job done, I'm deep down admitting to myself that I really don't have any idea what I did and no idea if I could do it again. Ah well, this temporary!!! job is bound to end soon so I may never need to do it again, right???

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