Saturday, October 15, 2016

What a fun show!

When my friend invited me to attend a Barber Shop Quartet show this evening I said I would go but really didn't know what to expect. I know what Barber Shop Quartets are (not my favorite tyoe of muxical act) but this was a really different and fun variation on the theme. The performance was put on at Concordia High School and I was very impressed by their Men's Chorus, first by the size (at least 40 singers) and then by their truly excellent voices. The first half of the program was presented by them and by the Summit City Chorus who did a fine job performing songs like "Stand by Me" and "Pretty Woman" in a Barber Shop style. The second act was presented by the 2010 International Quartet Champions "Storm Front". Their act was filled with truly funny comic sketches, including the worst magic act ever. Even as I was laughing at their silliness I realized that under all the nonsense we were hearing some truly excellent  voices. All in all, a very entertaining evening and I understand this is an annual event at Concordia. Count me in for next year.

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