Sunday, October 23, 2016

Am I there yet?

Recently I've received two hints that it might be time for me to jump into my second childhood. Last week I got a Halloween card (in the real mail, not email - always fun to get mail not asking for money) with a note from my BFF suggesting that some people think we're too old to participate in the silliness of Halloween but she was inviting me to join her in getting started on our second childhood by enjoying Halloween. Sounds good to me. Then today at church we celebrated "Children's Sabbath" with a worship service that included a wonderful story telling session presented by Janet Steele, a Certified Biblical Storyteller, and the singing of children's hymns.  We sang "This is the Day" as our call to worship, then "Down in My Heart", "Jesus Loves Me", and "This Little Light of Mine". I loved every minute of it which probably means I am right on the brink of SCS (Second Childhood Syndrome). If that's the case, bring it on.

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