Monday, October 17, 2016

early bird and early boat

I'm used to seeing an occasional boat on the river I watch from my balcony; usually in the evenings cruising from a nearby restaurant. This morning, about 7am, while it was just getting light I saw a boat (pontoon type) chugging along at a sedate speed. I couldn't help wondering where it was going at that time of day. If they're serving breakfast on the river that might be fun.  I wouldn't have even been looking at the river except I happened to spot my white bird again. A few days ago I saw the same white bird swimming along the far bank of the river. I think it must be some kind of crane. It's all white with a long neck but it's body isn't as heavy as a goose or swan. It's very pretty and graceful but it looks lonesome and it doesn't stay around long. I've only seen the one. The geese and ducks who float by here are always in flocks or at least little families. I'll keep watching to see if another one shows up.

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