Monday, October 10, 2016

Native American Day

According to my nifty October calendar today is "Native American Day". I tried to think of something profound to say about that but all that comes to mind is an incident I remember from several years ago when my husband and I were traveling out west.  We visited much of the beautiful (in a hot, dry way) southwest over many years of summer vacations. The particular incident I'm remembering happened somewhere in Arizona or New Mexico in a small city on the edge of a reservation. While we were sitting in a blissfully air-conditioned fast food place enjoying lunch and watching the traffic go by I happened to spot a pickup truck stopped at an intersection.  What caught my attention was the fact that two burly young Native American men were riding in the cab of the truck while a little old gray haired lady rode in the back in the truck bed. Picture "Beverly Hillbillies" without the rocket. My women's lib instincts surged to the surface and I was half way out of my seat ready to run outside and - and I'm not sure what I thought I was going to do - but my calm, common sense husband said "Leave it. It's their culture and none of your business." I know he was right and I know things aren't always as they appear on the surface but I still don't have to like it.

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