Thursday, October 6, 2016

an interesting question

What would you pick for a super power if you had the choice?  This question came up the other day with a friend who is a lot younger than I am. We discussed the possibilities and she thought she would like to be able to fly. That does sound good. I could take a flying leap off my balcony and soar out over the river but I might run into a goose and that could be messy. Doing magic has always seemed like the best super power to me. Many years ago I loved to watch the TV show "Bewitched". I thought being able to wiggle my nose and have the house instantly cleaned or any other problem solved seemed like a fine idea. Alas, try as I might my nose doesn't twitch. I think that I am actually approaching one super power - invisibility. The older and grayer I get the less any one seems to notice me. It's very freeing.

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