Monday, January 6, 2020

a dire diet

My brother has just been told that he must go on a salt free diet becaue of some health issues.  I think that a salt free diet would be very hard to follow, at least for me.  I don't use much salt but I really don't like to think about eggs or vegetables without salt and we all know how much salt is hidden in packaged foods. Thinking about grocery shopping, I'm guessing he will have to explore whole new aisles, those that sell diet food.  Being a kind sister and thinking abour his new diet, I thought about two recipes that I cooked recently that didn't have any salt in them.  One was a really delicious blueberry cake.  Butter, eggs, sugar, flour and blueberries were the only ingredients and it was delicious.  The other was really yummy cinnamon rolls.  That recipe was made with frozen dough balls, cinnamon, brown sugar, butter and vanilla pudding mix.  Now that I think about it there may be some salt in the dough.  I can see that this diet thing might be difficult.  Probably cake and sweet rolls aren't exactly what the doctor had in mind.  Ah well, he can always munch on carrots. 

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