Sunday, January 5, 2020

so glad I'm not atheletically inclined .

Here's another sport I can live without trying.  In the past I have mentioned "sports" that I have no interest in experiencing.  Skydiving tops the list. Climbing high mountains is also on the list and bungee jumping is a contender.  But I've just become aware of another option that combines the worst of the worst.  Base jumping is defined as "a parachute jump from the top of a building, bridge, cliff, etc."  Really?? Why??  I was made aware of this activity in a news report this evening. A base jumper had to be rescued from the side of a cliff when his parachute got caught on the rocks.   I really don't understand the thrill of jumping off of or out of something that guarantees a long fall.  It did remind me though of an old movie I rewatched recently on Netflix.  Leopold and Grace (or maybe it's Grace and Leopold) is a love story involving a modern business woman and a handsome time traveler from the 19th century.  Totally plausable, right?  Right up to the point where Grace has to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge and trust that she will go through a gap in time in order to be with her true love.  It's a good thing I wasn't the heroine or that romance would have had a whole different ending. 

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