Wednesday, January 8, 2020

No, thank you.

Here's yet another sport I won't be trying.  According to a study (you know how I love studys) people who train for and run one marathon are likely to add four years to their life span.  Really?  If they could absolutely guarantee the extra four years I still don't think I would try this.  Even in my youth - yes, contrary to what my grandchildren think, I was young once - I was never a runner. Coordination has never been a strength of mine.  The only 'A' I ever got in a phys ed class was in Archery and I know that was because it was a sport in which I didn't have to move my arms and legs at the same time.  You jsut stand still and shoot the arrow into the target; my kind of sport.   But back to marathons.  If they come up with a slow marathon, a marathon stroll for example, stretched out over two weeks, or better yet two months, I might consider it. And by the way, if I was going to add four years to my life, I'd like to go back and squeeze them into my 30s.  That might be worth running for.. 

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